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¿Cómo comprar bienes raíces en los Estados Unidos?

¿Cómo comprar bienes raíces en los Estados Unidos?


Paso 1: Preparación

Before you begin your journey into New York real estate, it will be helpful to get prepared so that when you find what you are looking for, you can move quickly and secure the property of your dreams. If you are getting financing, you should speak to a mortgage broker or a banker and get pre-approved for a loan before you start your search. This will not only help you learn how much you can spend but also make you a more attractive buyer and help you negotiate a better price. It is a requirement in New York to have a lawyer who can review your contract and protect your interests during the transaction. If you do not have one, your agent will be glad to recommend several to choose from including those whom speak your language. It is important to select a lawyer who you trust and who you are comfortable with.

It is very useful to speak to a good tax advisor in order to help you decide on the optimal purchase structure for your deal. Tax liability varies for US residents and non-residents, as well as whether you buy a home or an investment property. As a result, it is smart to consult with a good tax specialist, fiscal attorney or an accountant. Finally, you need to prepare your finances and set aside a 10% deposit for your purchase so that it is readily available when you need it. You may consider opening a US bank account if you don’t have one or otherwise transfer money to your attorney escrow account.

Paso 2: búsqueda de propiedades y ofertas

Every purchase starts with the selection process. After viewing the properties and selecting the one you really like, you should make an offer to buy it. Such an offer is not binding and you can make more than one offer to find the best deal. New luxury property developers (sponsors) however are less likely to negotiate the price and usually expect to sell their properties at asking price. Your Evans agent will always be on your side and do his or her best to get you the lowest price and the best deal! Once the offer is accepted by the seller, the seller’s agent or lawyer sends the contract and bylaws of the building (or an offering plan for a new development) to a buyer’s lawyer for review.

Paso 3: negociación de contrato y firma

The usual time for your lawyer to review the contract is 5 to 10 business days (the seller’s agent of the property you choose will advise you on such time limits). Please note until such contract is signed, the Seller may often choose to continue showing the property and accept a higher offer. Terms of the contract are very important and regulate all the details of the future purchase. You should carefully go over the contract with your lawyer to understand the risks and obligations you are taking upon yourself.

Al firmar el contrato, se debe pagar 10% del depósito del precio de la propiedad. Por lo tanto, debe asegurarse de tener los fondos disponibles en los EE. UU. Una forma de hacerlo es enviar los fondos a su abogado en los Estados Unidos. También puede abrir una cuenta bancaria en los Estados Unidos si lo desea. Este depósito se mantiene en la cuenta de depósito en garantía designada por el abogado del vendedor. Por lo general, no es reembolsable si un comprador no sigue adelante con el trato. Sin embargo, puede negociar ciertas condiciones bajo las cuales puede recuperar el depósito. Uno de esos condicionales es una contingencia hipotecaria, una cláusula en el contrato que garantiza el reembolso del depósito si un comprador no puede asegurar el financiamiento en ciertos términos. Depende de su abogado negociar esta cláusula con el vendedor, aunque pocos vendedores aceptan incluirla.

Paso 4: aprobación de la junta de Coop o Condo

Board approval is probably the most unpleasant part of a property purchase in New York. It is something that cannot be avoided even if you are buying an apartment in the friendliest condo building. You will have to put together a very thorough package with a lot of personal and financial information including tax returns, bank statements, personal and business references, etc. Coop board approval is a rigorous process that will usually include a personal interview. Condo board approvals follow the same procedure and require the same amount of documentation, however it is usually only a formality.

Paso 5: preparación y cierre

After the contract is signed, you have additional time to secure financing and perform additional research on the property’s legal status and condition. This is the time to do the survey and appraisal, which is necessary for the mortgage. Your lawyer will be reviewing the documents, doing the title search, looking for liens and violations. If you apply for a mortgage, your bank will check all the required documents on your income and assets as well as the building financials. Once everything is in order, your bank will wire the entire amount of the loan usually to your attorney’s escrow account. At the same time your down payment and final closing costs will also be wired to the escrow account with your attorney acting as an escrow agent until the closing. The day before your closing you should do a final walk-through your new property to make sure it’s condition is as agreed and as expected.

Paso 6: cierre

Un cierre es una transacción real de compraventa, que generalmente tiene lugar varias semanas después de la firma del contrato. Este es el momento en que todas las partes involucradas en la transacción (vendedor (s) y comprador (es), abogado del vendedor y del comprador, abogado del banco, representante del seguro de título, etc.) se reúnen para firmar un conjunto final de documentos y hacer todo los pagos. En el momento del cierre, su abogado distribuirá todos los pagos, incluido el pago al vendedor, los impuestos, las tarifas y el seguro de título, y se pagarán otras tarifas. A cambio, un comprador recibirá el nuevo título junto con el seguro del título y, por supuesto, las llaves del nuevo apartamento.

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